Note: We'll take breaks here now and then, moving from the ridiculous... (at least) toward the sublime. Such as this:
(YT playlist link. No affiliation. I don't own the playlist/videos/music. No guarantees as to availability of videos.)
Especially for those of a certain age: Interesting curation. It's hilarious in a way: Praises of so many different (sometimes 'humble') places sung over and over.... via (essentially) the same song.
...Perhaps a little 'cheesy' in that way
(and maybe a couple of others)...
(BTW: Brief explanatory note (re the retro-playlist) for (a few) present-day people: It was generally a 'kinder and gentler' time..)
If you enjoy music though -- and a good voice: It's an
epic (if repetitive) showcase for the lovely pop
soprano of
Florence Warner, the woman who sang most of the American-location versions. (I.e., beginning with playlist song #2. Florence really starts to "get going" with her 'Utah' version; song #4..)
..She rendered each version with professional skill. (Yes: I listened to the entire collection.) Though the videos vary in quality it's clear that all were sung beautifully. ↑Enjoy.
(For those who
(as I do) appreciate the singing: She did well on all, but which ones
(s) did Florence "nail"? She seemed to really capture it for me on several of her midwest
(ref.: Indiana; also Pittsburgh) and southern-
(ref.: Charleston and Oklahoma) locale renderings. But my vote is definitely for her
(inspired) Iowa (KGAN) performance. (Though it's a shame that the recording
(found) of her live Nashville Symphony performance is such low quality...No problem perceiving that Florence has a lovely voice though.))
..More retro-Florence, slightly different promo-video:
(YT video link. I don't own it.)
(↑Expanded version is here (off-site link, new window):