May 2016 update: New(-ish) blog (link below). Courtesy of Mr. 'Vere Askey'. (Vere; rhymes with bear..:):
12/16 update: (Pls. watch your earphone volume.)

(YT video link. No ownership/affiliation.)

(YT video link. No ownership/affiliation.)

Previously written:
(5/16 off-site story link. No affiliation. New window opens:)

Article: 'Trump Plans Would Wreck U.S. Economy'

(Update: The almost-all-ethnicities-bashing candidate 'speak with fork-ed tongue': (Off-site article link:

...More bad news for the U.S. if the nightmare election result actually happens..(Off-site link:)

5/5/16: OK, (for whatever it's worth) I'm going to put this (once-upon-a-time) 'blog' on hold (again), and let the "non-amateurs" bring the fight re the pro-rasslin'-crowd's clown candidate: Donald Trump.
...I think it's clear (if anyone cares to read any of the recent entries below) where I stand with this loud-mouth jerk...(Also ref. the off-site "article" link a little further below.)

Will leave these two campaign video ads up for as long as they're available. They (↓all GOP leaders (in the first),BTW) say a lot of what I've been saying here...only better-edited; more succinctly. No (direct) affiliation:

(YT video link)

(Ref. video below:)..Support Republican (likely-)nominee Trump, ↓and you stand with and for all of this:

(YT video link)

(FWIW: I foam-at-the-mouth a little less here:

P.P.S. To The Onion (what's that..why is it 'Onion'..??): F**k ya. The blame is squarely on your wan, skinny, supple shoulders... for all of this↑. Losers: (No affiliation.)

(↓Previous entries:)

YT video link. No affiliation/no ownership claimed.

↓'President Trump''s education plan illustrated:↓

(Oh BTW..In other (directly-related) news: (Off-site article link, no affiliation.)


(Screen captured image. Not a real offer. (Never really was...))
...BTW: On the campaign trail, the one question candidate Donald Trump never specifically answers (re his ridiculous promises/proposals): ""How?"(What 'scares' Trump more than actually answering that question? If an honest, strong-willed female (journalist) asks it...)

4/21/16 comment: It's an act..↓↓ (I.e., a pretense/show/charade/fake.....and a bad one..)

(Update/clarification: By 'act' I'm referring to nouns as included above. I.e., a show, a circus, etc.
That D. Trump is an authentic loud-mouth jerk (..'campaigning' or not) no act.)

..Trump campaign 'chief' reportedly attempts to convince GOP leadership that his candidate's ridiculous campaign "style" (so far)....... is an act. One off-site news article, new window opens:

As per a number of previous entries (ref. further below) at this tiny blog, if you can't see that aspect you've gotta be totally blind, probably should not be driving (or reproducing?), etc. etc. (Plus: I've got an infeasible 1900+-mile Mexican border wall to sell you.)

Changing the act now doesn't fool anyone sportin' a brain. (Or suddenly impart mass amnesia.)
...A con-man/entertainer ....A 'WWE' "heavy" (who needs a stunt double):


P.S.: No ownership/affiliation with the following re-posted YT video:

(YT video link) *********************************************************************************************************************

4/20/16 off-site article links. New windows open, no affiliation:

(↓ Remember "the bad 'old' days"...? (Also helps answer the (unbelievable) question (I've heard): 'How is D. Trump racist?'):

(YT video link)

..Oh, BTW (off-site news article link):

↓The Trump fallout/backlash...and it's only just beginning:

(Off-site links, no affiliation:)

4/16 poll (linked): Americans huuugly view Trump negatively

Trump least popular major (American) politician in three decades: source (news article is linked)

..Suggest that this could be plausible analysis re the Trump candidacy. (Off-site 4/6/16 article link:)


(Temporarily moving this previous post here back up to the top. One take on the general level of sophistication and intellect we may be dealing with. In short: D. Trump is primarily an entertainer and (self-)promoter:↓)

2/12/16 update: Mark it. (Those paying attention..and who can read.) Unless he somehow convincingly reinvents himself (fast), the following article outlines significant flaws with Donald Trump and his presidential campaign (to date).
Not-difficult prediction: At the national level... will likely (help) sink him at some point. (Off-site link, no affiliation.):

11/16 update for anyone somehow reading this: Yes: Incredibly, the prediction above turned out to be wrong. Nothing but a really sad commentary about ..around 47% or so of United States voters, who (apparently) chose to ignore the Republican candidate's demagoguery, bigotry, hate, sexism, etc. As of this update, it also appears that Hillary won the popular vote by a significant margin. 'Spin' that/deride any way desired (I guess), but the bottom line ( least for many (in the vote majority) who may now - correctly - feel marginalized....) is that the popular vote clear winner 'lost', and the popular vote loser is being installed into power. Not any 'formula' for unity, especially if the vote-loser attempts to claim a "mandate"....

New prediction: The country as a whole will regret the short-sighted 'choice'. Many (ref. above) already are....)

(Previously written:) ↓↓↓..Hailing from the (semi-)civilized world (note: 570K+ Britons vote to ban Trump)....., I completely missed this ↓↓↓whole parallel aspect of Donald Trump/the clown 2016 campaign/and his "universe" (i.e., cheap-seat followers):

via GIPHY (More: Reminder: These videos feature a leading candidate for President of the United States of America...(Or his stunt-double.))

Below: ...The Donald describes some early 'grooming' of his fellow-shady-billionaire role-model... and future running mate, Vince McMahon...

(YT video link). No affiliation.


#trump2016 #makingamericahateagain #assclown #anybodybuttrump

A photo posted by Dan Porter (@switchever) on

(↑No affiliation.)
3/7/16 comment: Temporary re-post. Haters/racists support Donald Trump:

(YT video link. No affiliation. No ownership of content.)

Update: (No affiliation here with this Twitter poster:↓)

Off-site link to a related article:
3/16 update
(previously written): ↓Yeah...Let's have a 'blast' and put the unhinged rich dude in the Oval Office, with access to nuclear launch codes, etc. (Scroll down for a potential "nuclear triad" the world must never see. (BTW: If only D. Trump understood what the (actual) nuclear triad is, for starters...)) P.S. Even The Economist agrees that this guy is a huuge risk (off-site link)

(Off-site article link:)

...You maniacs!:

(YT video link. No ownership claimed or intended.)



↑"Nuclear triad"....nuclear nightmare?

P.S. 3/12/16: Is the U.S. facing more nightmares? 'Gird your loins' and read some 2016 election fiction ( it??) from 'Mr. Vere Askey': (New window opens:)


YT video link (it's a paid advert., duh). Source news article (off-site link, no affiliation:)


>>>Sources: Trump's Hotels and Casino Resorts (public company) was a business and stock market 'disaster'

(Repost:)..More light is shed upon D. Trump's wildly-trumped-up business "success", acumen etc. Off-site source article link. no affiliation, new window opens:

More from the same (unaffiliated) source. (Note: I have not independently confirmed the reported analysis:)

Commentary(ref. video): Yelling this↓(..and worse) without (- a genuine attempt at -) realistic plans to address difficult issues...
Not sufficient to earn the U.S. presidency.

(BTW: 'Violent crime' and 'gun crime' rates have been "dropping" (one source linked) in the United States..Oh: And the U.S unemployment rate is at its lowest since 2008..)

(YT video link. No ownership claimed/intended. Press pause to stop autoplay.)

...(Trump campaign co-opts/manipulates even Howard Beale's rant..):

(YT video link)

*********************************************************************************************************************** (Previously posted:) ↓Interactive 'Narcissistic Personality Inventory''test', with which this blog has no affiliation. For educational purposes only. (Off-site link:)


FYI: I scored a 5 or so on it...
...Rumored that D. Trump's score clearly registered on the Richter scale.




(↓Previous blog entries:)


1/20/16 update: Outstanding job again, New York Daily News (screen-captured image is an off-site story link)

Friday, July 31, 2015

RIP, rasslin' legend Rowdy Roddy Piper

Dead at age 61:

(↑Warning: Demented ranting/ravings... and so on.... YT video link)

...Obviously killed-off by "The Illuminati": Follow the following link at your own discretion. But you will be on your way to freedom from mental slavery...
No affiliation:

...Or perhaps it was the 'Dis-Illuminati'....


Ridiculous 'first-world' "problems"....(Vs. (so-called) third-world ones?)

The featured "cure" is dweebish, too.

(↓...We don't suffer fools well here...:)

(YT video link)

You'd never find this blogger fused, cemented...bound to digital media/glowing screens/online activities....for hours....on such a beautiful day... as today is.....Right now.

O god.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Give me some of your Hollywood swag

Air-freight it over..(I'm needy)

View image |

(Non-commercial usage)

(YT video link. I don't own the music/video. No affiliation.)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Case no. 1: B.S. detection meters applied

Per the following: If all of us in this great land would only apply such effort, such scrutiny, close consideration, etc. to things that actually MATTER in the world, in our lives, etc..:
I don't have all the 'facts' in the following 'case'. and I'm wondering if anyone - besides a very few - ever will. (As usual with the N.E. Patriots some of this may come down to whether specific, specified-at-the-time rules were (clearly) violated. Playing-off those 'gray' areas, again: Their playbook.)
...Wait; no: I'm not wondering. Who actually gives a s--t about this ridiculous, toy-department, mega-paid-jock-world "investigation"....(Except (perhaps) the bookies who make money from suckers wagering on New England Patriots games, etc...)
(Aside: Just as with the interminable, frequently ridiculous referee interruptions now rampant in most NFL games -- including video replay reviews repeated ad nauseam -- NFL "policing" seems a surrogate (and/or theater) for ongoing societal battles between "regular Joes" vs. "the man". (You know: Basically Fox "news" script...) (Whoever that 'man' may be...e.g., your boss, the government, corporations, etc., etc.  Although of course it's difficult to think of unionized football millionaires as 'regular dudes' anymore...)

↓↓ As a public quasi-service (to be ongoing here), I've applied highly-calibrated, extremely sensitive detection meters to the following video statements.. from Patriots owner Robert Kraft. (Meter sources are shown further below.)

Note: Particular scrutiny was applied to the following words from Mr. Kraft's 7/29/15 statement.
(A video recap follows, below:)
“Given the facts, evidence and laws of science that underscore this entire situation, it is completely incomprehensible to me that the league continues to take steps to disparage one of its all-time great players..."

(YT video link)

↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓ ↓↓↓↓↓↓

(Source link. Pls. follow all links at your own risk.)

(Source link)

thome mash meter photo: Meter hypocrisy-meter.gif

(Source link)

Sunday, July 26, 2015

His hair-pelt magically changes color

The following public photos bear July 2015 dates, except the the last (June 16, 2015).
(Non-commercial use of images.):

7/27/15 related news story update: The truth shall set us free. (And good choice for a couple of descriptive words....) Off-site article link, new window opens, no affiliation:

(↓Re-post. No affiliation here:)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sample: The U.S.A.'s 'real' front page...

(Screen capture. No link(s)... except this aptly-named one, if you require more of the same on a daily basis. (Click image to enlarge!))

...Rampant ridiculousness