Per the following: If all of us in this great land would only apply such effort, such scrutiny, close consideration, etc. to things that actually MATTER in the world, in our lives, etc..:I don't have all the 'facts' in the following 'case'. and I'm wondering if anyone - besides a very few - ever will. (As usual with the N.E. Patriots some of this may come down to whether specific, specified-at-the-time rules were (clearly) violated. Playing-off those 'gray' areas, again: Their playbook.)
...Wait; no: I'm not wondering. Who actually gives a s--t about this ridiculous, toy-department, mega-paid-jock-world "investigation"....(Except (perhaps) the bookies who make money from suckers wagering on New England Patriots games, etc...)
(Aside: Just as with the interminable, frequently ridiculous referee interruptions now rampant in most NFL games -- including video replay reviews repeated ad nauseam -- NFL "policing" seems a surrogate (and/or theater) for ongoing societal battles between "regular Joes" vs. "the man". (You know: Basically Fox "news" script...) (Whoever that 'man' may be...e.g., your boss, the government, corporations, etc., etc. Although of course it's difficult to think of unionized football millionaires as 'regular dudes' anymore...)
↓↓ As a public quasi-service (to be ongoing here), I've applied highly-calibrated, extremely sensitive detection meters to the following video statements.. from Patriots owner Robert Kraft. (Meter sources are shown further below.)
Note: Particular scrutiny was applied to the following words from Mr. Kraft's 7/29/15 statement.
(A video recap follows, below:)
“Given the facts, evidence and laws of science that underscore this entire situation, it is completely incomprehensible to me that the league continues to take steps to disparage one of its all-time great players..."
(YT video link)
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(Source link. Pls. follow all links at your own risk.)
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