Jan.2016 update - For any (Mad Men fans) who missed this one...
...These three actors totally 'get it' about how their (yes, flawed) 'Draper family' characters..(I guess I'll use the word) resonate(d) (with fans). Thought it was (whimsically) nice of them to do a few pics together for us to see. (Bonus: Off-site link to a favorite Draper family .umm.. 'scene'. Well-played: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEICkRt9FcY)
(Non-commercial use of image. No affiliation.)
(Also: ...A funny recent Twitter post from 'Betty'. Link to post: https://twitter.com/bettydraper/status/686371195512598529)*********************************************************************
(Previously written entry, 11/15 --) No big deal: The only thing real clear about this blog effort was that it had a 'blurry' focus. Couldn't decide if it wanted to be serious or not, funny or not; or whatnot. (Actually, there are some TV comedians who have made a good living being quasi-serious, funny- serious, fake serious, caricature-serious, etc. (Thankfully, not my aim..))
Thanks to any readers for stopping by. I need an outlet for expression so I will be back on-line somewhere, in some form, and may provide a future link here...
↓In the interim... for any so inclined.... who may straggle by, a freely available video (further below).↓
..Obviously I have no affiliation or connection with this current acting and modeling beauty. Many know her a bit from her popular Instagram page (off-site link).
The following shared video (currently available, after the Browns stuff) is from The Daily Mail, a 'middle-market' tabloid if there ever was one. One of their likely aims is to 'gen' as many on-line ad clicks as possible, so why not feature good-lookers such as this one...(Which they regularly do. Aside: What a total pain the whole paparazzi thing must be...)
(I'm almost done rambling...) Update: In fact I am. (Most remaining sections here deleted. A wrap-up is at the end.).
↓Remarkable beauty; no one more-so (currently in the public eye). A stunning, nonchalant 'red-carpet' performance. (Or...something. Pretty bizarre here (link)....)
...Let's hope January finds more ways to be in front of a camera. Enjoy:
-- "Vere Askey"
P.P.S. FWIW, must add that - despite appearances - I don't totally 'drink the Kool-Aid' re this lady.
My wild guess is she's now at least a little more discreet. Especially since she has a child.
Adding (for posterity): Perhaps I'm blinded by fandom, but actually believe that this (following off-site link) is much closer to the 'real' ( i.e., non-'partying') person: https://instagram.com/p/96fZQmCtM_/?taken-by=januaryjones
..Except the actress may be a #$%&! Steeler fan.
(↑YT video link. No direct affiliation with the creator. Top-notch rant..)
(YT video link. ↑She's definitely laughing -- at me. Only me... Just like the Steelers do. In their hideous 'throwback' unis (YT link, language warning)..)
Last thing:
(Previously written:↑Seems she's got me talkin' to myself...again..))
(For at least the third time that I've tried to do so)....
(Yes; more:) The ↑photogenic vision almost jumps off ('through') our screen at times, but she ain't there. (Dudes.)
(Exhibit 'A' (link) of almost touch-ably there -- along with a direct 'tease-out' (if you will) comment to fans....Hey, 'you' can see that I'm one of the many gawkin' though. It's also tame compared to some other celebs., for what little that is worth.
Also worth recognizing: It seems apparent that Ms. Jones (sometimes) likes to elicit via her page. (Not 'solicit'. Don't be a goofball.) I.e., elicit reactions, responses, emotions. I happen to enjoy that, plus it's also part of her job(s). (January touches upon making people feel emotions - as an actor - in the 2009 interview video above.) She's not the only actor (etc.) that occasionally does something like this via their page.)
(Continuing from above:) ...Cannot be an actual relationship -- and not anyone's 'fault' really. For me, (her IG's) just too much of a tease of someone who -- by position and by life's circumstances -- is unattainable. (No: I don't attempt communication with celebrated persons anyway.) I'm not down on myself.... but don't benefit from recurring (stunning) reminders (of the above), either. (So, yeah: Essentially she's just too damn attractive to me. (Plus many others..) What's the point of gazing from afar at that though...?)
...And fantasy only goes so far and isn't really a healthy place to dwell. (Gawking and salivating or similar aren't especially useful either.. But then again...we have THIS (courtesy of 'Ms. Glamour'): https://www.instagram.com/p/BCuj54EitCL/?taken-by=januaryjones . )
..So (FWIW), I'm sure I'll sneak some peeks as I'm always a fan. Especially of someone blessed with so much -- who willingly shares glimpses with the world. (She'll retain zillions of admirers.)
...Including a sense of humor (or something..) that prompts her to post items such as this: (Just one example.) Enjoy (..you know....maybe as a pleasant diversion).
ReplyDeleteur strange
ReplyDeleteOnly if you're a Steelers fan. Or can't spell out words too well.
Delete..Wait: Same thing